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  • Natural Sciences & Mathematics

Clinical Counseling

Students taking the Clinical/Counseling 专注于提供研究生临床/咨询所需的知识和技能 在学校、康复机构、研究机构工作以及初级职位 institutes, and mental health hospitals. Our emphasis on critical thinking teaches students to…

  • Speak and write clearly
  • Analyze data and effectively interpret findings
  • Create logical, professional-level presentations


About the Clinical/Counseling Program

1999年,这个项目的第一年,我们有5名临床/咨询专业的毕业生. We now graduate about 20 each year.  Half of all Psychology Majors are Clinical/Counseling concentrators.

学生学习研究和临床技能,通常在硕士课程中教授. Both diagnosis and treatment are emphasized through hands-on engagement.

Supervised internships are plentiful. We encourage eligible students to complete two 有学分的实习,以获得实际设置的经验,使他们有 direct interaction with clients. See internship page for more.

临床/咨询学生有机会获得生物反馈设备和其他心理生理 揭示生理测量如何受到心理变量影响的工具. 

咨询会议是模拟的,并为个人发展提供反馈. 在教师导师的指导下,学生们有机会变得更加自我意识, 对非语言交流更有洞察力,对多样性更有鉴赏力.

学生可以学习进行心理教育测试,包括运动任务和 measures of achievement, intelligence, language, and visual perception.

Close training in clinical report writing is regularly offered.

学生们被邀请花一年的时间学习精神病理学,这可以让他们深入 关于病因、症状和治疗方法的探索 behaviors and diagnoses.

所有学生与一名教师密切合作,共同完成一项高级研究项目 some aspect of diagnosis or treatment that is of interest to the student. By graduation, 大多数学生都至少和一位教师一起做过一个额外的项目 并在一个地区心理学会议上展示了这一发现.

我们的毕业生接受临床心理学,咨询的研究生课程 心理学、社会工作、公共卫生、学校心理学、职业治疗和 related fields. Some students immediately go on to positions as clinical researchers, 住宿咨询师,治疗助理,以及教育和儿童方面的职业 care administration.

Meet the Concentration Coordinator


Dr. Lauren Littlefield

Professor of Psychology

PSY 394. Group Processes

PSY 410. Human Neuropsychology with lab

PSY 433. Child Assessment with lab

PSY 490. Internship

meet Prof. Littlefield

Concentration Requirements

学生需要了解基本的生物、化学和/或物理知识 为了有更大的背景来评估心理现象. Students must take one of the following sequences:

  • BIO 111 and 112. General Biology
    An introduction to living systems. Topics studied include biomolecules, cell structure 功能,新陈代谢,遗传学,分子生物学,生命多样性,生理学 of plants and animals, evolution, and ecology. Lectures on selected topics will be 辅以基于问题的学习机会以及当前的讨论 events and selected papers from recent scientific literature. The laboratory complements 讲座并提供了实验的介绍和实验的交流 results. Students also conduct an independent research project. Opportunities to attend research presentations and visit outside research facilities are provided.
  • CHE 120 and 140. Chemical Principles of Organic Molecules AND Reactions of Organic Molecules
    提供化学结构和反应性基本原理的基础 of organic molecules. Key topics in CHE 120 include atomic and molecular structure, 分子内和分子间力,有机官能团,热化学, acid/base equilibria, kinetics, and basic organic reaction mechanisms. Key topics 在ch140中包括有机分子的反应性,包括脂肪族和芳香族 碳氢化合物及其卤化衍生物和含有杂原子的分子 例如单独的氧、氮和硫或生物合成的那些 relevant molecules.
  • PHY 111 and 112. General Physics
    以微积分为基础的物理学入门,以进一步研究物理科学 and engineering. Mechanics: 粒子运动学和动力学,守恒定律,万有引力定律, oscillations, and fluids. Thermodynamics: 热力学能,热,功,物理熵及其统计基础. Waves: 波的传播,叠加,干涉,物理光学和射线光学. Electric and magnetic fields: 库仑定律,高斯定律,电势,稳定电流,磁力, Ampere’s and Faraday’s laws

Students must complete the six core courses required for every psychology concentration. These courses cover an introduction 一般的心理学概念,行为科学的方法论实践, and evaluation of inferential statistics

  • PSY 111 and 112. General Psychology
    对行为和思想的科学研究的介绍,包括所有方面 of human experience. Topics include the anatomical and functional organization of 神经系统,意识,学习,记忆,发展,情感,社会 interactions, psychopathology, and society and culture. This course surveys the methods and major findings of the various fields of psychology. PSY 111 introduces the student 心理学的认知,神经学和生物学方面 basic research methodologies. PSY 112 covers the clinical/counseling, developmental, personality, and social aspects of psychology.
  • PSY 209. Statistics and Research Design I
    考虑到抽样理论,实验设计,分析和 数据的呈现强调相关性、t检验、卡方检验和分析 of variance. A significant portion of the course is devoted to instruction in SPSS, a computer based statistical package.
  • PSY 309. Statistics and Research Design II
    心理学研究中适当的研究设计的调查. Emphasis 是否会对推理统计如回归、方差分析等进行适当的分析 a priori and post hoc test of significance. 
  • PSY 399. Junior Seminar
    这需要2学分的课程,通常在大三的第二学期完成 一年,教授心理学作为一种职业所必需的基本技能,比如 ethics certification, writing in the discipline, and proposal development. By taking 本次研讨会,学生将有机会明确自己的成就目标和 develop academic and career plans.
  • PSY SCE. Psychology Senior Capstone Experience
    心理学专业的学生通过完成其中一项来满足学位要求 empirical research project or a theoretical review paper.


Students must conplete four (4) of the following courses:

  • PSY 202. Lifespan Developmental
    本课程将提供一个广泛的概述人类的成长和发展,从婴儿期 to old age. Changes in biological, cognitive, emotional, and social domains will be discussed at each period of the lifespan. Topics will include heredity, learning, 情感发展,气质,依恋,性别发展,发展性 disorders, peer relationships, families, and aging. Recent research and current issues will be highlighted.
  • PSY 231. Personality
    从心理动力学角度讨论人格研究的主要方法 与凯利、班杜拉和米歇尔的当代认知方法相比较. 关于主要人格特质的研究(对成就的需求,权威主义, intelligence) may also be discussed.
  • PSY 233. Traditional Psychiatric Disorders
    评估各种形式的行为障碍(焦虑,情绪, substance abuse, psychotic), their symptoms, and treatment. These disorders will be considered in relation to clinical theories, research, and practice.
  • PSY 234. Medical and Developmental Disorders
    评估的病因,症状,并在行为障碍的治疗 儿童/发育障碍和医学/器质性异常的广泛领域 behavior. 具体的主题包括人格障碍,冲动控制,饮食, sleep, sex, and neurocognition. Disorders will be considered in relation to clinical theories, research, and practice.
  • PSY 304. Theories and Processes of Counseling
    心理咨询的主要理论(精神分析,理性情感, 以客户为中心和行为),主要的道德和法律问题的检查, 也有机会获得实用的咨询过程技巧,比如倾听, problem-solving, vocational counseling and goal setting.
  • PSY 333. Psychological Testing
    分析了各种心理学理论的构建、解释和应用 tests and measurement tools. Personality, intelligence, vocational, achievement, and aptitude tests will be evaluated.
  • PSY 294/394/494. Special Topics in Clinical/Counsling/Community Psychology
    心理学:对课程中不经常提供的心理学主题的研究. Courses may be interdisciplinary in nature.
  • PSY 490/491. Psychology Internship
    在某方面提供心理服务的机构有受监督的经验. 课程包括研讨会,旨在帮助学生获得更全面的理解 of their placement experiences. A large variety of placements are available. A total of eight internship credits can be accrued. Learn about internship opportunities


从下列两项中选择,其中只有一项可以是社会与个性发展 or Experimental Social Psychology:

  • PSY 302. Social and Personality Development with lab
    本课程将探讨和讨论有关理论和研究的主要文献 of childhood social development. The specific topic within social development to be covered will vary based on current research goals. Students will have opportunity 从事自然或实验室环境下的研究项目,这可能需要 additional time outside of class.
  • PSY 310. Human Neuropsychology with lab
    这门神经科学研究方法课程是基于行为神经学的结合 theory and clinical practice. Brain-behavior relationships in humans and the rehabilitation process involved in recovery of function are covered. In addition to learning about 中风,肿瘤,创伤性脑损伤和其他神经系统疾病,学生 将熟悉各种神经心理学评估技术和 apply them to a data-driven team research project.
  • PSY 313. Learning and Applied Behavior Analysis with lab
    经典、操作和认知相关的理论和实证研究综述 aspects of learning. Emphasis in lectures and the laboratory will be on the use of 这些在应用行为分析学科中的理论贡献.
  • PSY 320. Health Psychology with lab
    检查健康行为对心理的影响,对身体的影响 psychological experiences, and theories of health behavior. Applies social psychological 对压力相关疾病、安慰剂效应、医患关系等话题的看法 interactions, dying, and the hospital environment. Additionally, covers theories and research on preventive health behavior; adherence to medical treatment; health lifestyles; substance use and abuse; and anxiety and depression in medical illness. Laboratory component is a qualitative study of individuals’ health experiences.
  • PSY 321. Experimental Social Psychology with lab
    对当前社会心理学思想和理论进行全面和批判性的考察 through discussion of primary experimental reports and review articles. The issues 这门课的主题每年都不一样,但都包括社会排斥, 自我调节,说谎和发现欺骗,八卦,暴力电子游戏,性别歧视, racism, humor, terror management, happiness, awe and humility. The laboratory component involves student-initiated research in laboratory or natural settings.
  • PSY 433. Child Assessment with lab
    本课程为学生提供临床评估的知识和经验 of children. In addition to clinical report writing, students will learn observational 技巧,面试技巧,行为/情绪量表,以及认知能力的测量 assessment that are specific to children and adolescents.
  • PSY 440. Advanced Problems

    Advanced independent research under the direction of a faculty mentor. The interested 学生必须向心理学系主任提出申请,并出示相关证据 of the maturity required for its completion. 

Students must choose one of the following:

  • PSY 205. Drugs and Behavior
    人类对常用药物的生理和行为反应的调查. Special 重点是非处方药(尼古丁,酒精,咖啡因),心理治疗药物 药物(抗焦虑药物,抗抑郁药物,抗精神病药物),以及 other psychoactive drugs (opiates, hallucinogens, marijuana). Societal issues related 对非法和治疗性药物的使用、滥用,立法和政策也将有所规定 topics of exploration and discussion.
  • PSY 210. Biopsychology with lab
    The study of the biological bases of human and non-human behavior. The emphasis is 神经系统的组织,因为它与行为和意识有关 thought. 具体的主题可能包括:神经和内分泌的结构和功能 systems; mechanisms of neurotransmission; neurologic disorders; feeding; reproduction; aggression; sleep and dreaming; functional organization of sensory and motor systems; lateralization of function and language disorders; learning and memory; and the biological bases of emotion and psychopathology.
  • PSY 305. Psychopharmacology with lab
    An in-depth study of the chemistry and pharmacology of the nervous system. Laboratory 练习将强调在药理学研究中使用实验动物模型. 药物对中枢神经系统和外周神经系统的作用 nervous system will be explored. Laboratory exercises emphasize the use of behavioral 药物研究人员用来评估剂量效应、药物耐受性、 withdrawal, and drug interactions.
  • PSY 317. Sensation & Perception with lab
    人类检测和处理外部刺激的方法的调查 从感官信息中产生有意义的感知的大脑通路. 特别关注感官生理学,知觉错觉和缺陷 在每一种感觉形态中,包括视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉. 实验室演示和模拟旨在提供具体的例子 and provide a mechanism for exploring each sensory modality.

Thinking about a Concentration in Clinical/Counseling Psychology?

Review the course checklist for the Clinical/Counseling Concentration or visit the college catalog to learn more about the academic requirements.

Course Checklist


Clinical Students Present their Senior Capstone Research 

Internship Spotlight


Placement: Kent County Adult Medical Daycare

“通过了解这家机构的客户,我对这些症状有了更多的认识 以及各种精神状况和身体残疾的危害,包括痴呆症, autism, epilepsy, and paraplegia, as well as how to navigate them. With frequent interaction, 我已经熟悉了客户的日常生活,了解了他们的喜好 dislikes. Conversations [and planned recreational activities] are often therapeutic for clients . . . Working at Kent County Adult Medical Daycare has solidified my decision 从事医疗保健方面的工作,最好是有社会交往的 patients."

Jack Goembel '23


Placement: National Alliance on Mental Illness

通过在全国精神疾病联盟(NAMI)的社区实习, 16岁的Ceara Scanlon学会了为患有各种精神疾病的同龄人倡导 health diagnoses.

这次实习为塞拉提供了宝贵的心理健康实践经验 advocacy, serving her well in pursuit of a future career in this field. 

Ceara Scanlon ’16



Wellness Advocacy Coaching

九州娱乐官网健康倡导教练(Washington College Wellness Advocacy Coaching,简称WAC-squared)于2021年推出 学生有机会成为心理健康教练和同伴的倡导者 students. 

健康倡导教练(WACs)接受过心理健康急救方面的培训,并获得直接指导 experience providing it to peer students. WACs are an essential part of frontline mental health support on our campus.